Trinity Fellowship Christian Reformed Church supports the following:


The Lees collaborates a campus ministry called Compa. Compa is partnered with Inter Varsity USA and Canada and also is affiliated with I.F.E.S (International Fellowship of Evangelical Students). The Lees serve in the three areas:

  • Students: nurturing a Christian character and teaching a Christian Biblical worldview.

  • Graduates: building accountability of their faith and work

  • Leaders: coaching and mentoring

The Lee family is supported through Resonate Global Mission.

San Diego Rescue Mission

Trinity Fellowship is proud to donate and help our community through San Diego Rescue Mission!


Pure Heart Christian Academy

Pure Heart Christian Academy is a devoted haven for all who attend. Our vision is to raise disciples in Jesus Christ to be pure in heart with a God centered curriculum.

Through our educational instruction we strive to guide our students, through the word of God, to identify and cultivate their calling and purpose. Our instructors are true examples to our students in how to walk in integrity and be a true light of God that prepares his way in our lives.


Resonate Global Mission

We all have a part to play in living out the gospel. God is transforming lives through mission-minded people like you who partner with Resonate Global Mission.


World Renew

World Renew envisions a world where people experience and extend Christ’s compassion and live together in hope as God’s community.

Compelled by God’s deep passion for justice & mercy, we join communities around the world to renew hope, reconcile lives, and restore creation.

Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA)

Disability Concerns