Our Church Staff

Currently seeking a new Pastor!

Pastor Patrick and his wife Miriam have currently accepted a new role on the east coast, we pray that the Lord honors and provides for them in this next chapter of their lives. Please pray for us as we seek a new Pastor for our church. God Bless!

Amanda Johnston

Shirley Turner-Dowell

Angelina Carillo-Rivera

Carol Granot  Office Volunteer

Carol Granot

Bernice Nevarez Pianist

Bernice Nevarez

Maria Nieblas Church Maintenance

Maria Nieblas
Church Maintenance

Marie Arroyo Treasurer

Marie Arroyo

Eva Nevarez  Marketing & Design

Eva Popcke
Marketing & Design

Dilan Preciado
Worship Leader

Do you feel the Lord calling you to serve?

Contact us for opportunities to serve and volunteer below!